COVID-19 Lockdowns and What That Means for Victims of Domestic and Family Violence

Emerson Family Law and Emerson Migration Law are extremely concerned about the possible plight of Domestic and Family Violence victims who are now being forced to spend even more time with their abusive partners as a result of these lockdowns.

With all of us urged to stay inside to protect the community from COVID-19, we cannot ignore that that the home is not always a place where people will feel safe or secure.

Particularly with joblessness and financial hardship on the increase, deteriorating mental health due to the uncertainty of our times, an already toxic home environment just became even more volatile.

An ABC report on Radio National this morning revealed that Google has reported a 75 per cent spike in searches for help with Domestic and Family Violence.

These statistics alone are hugely revealing as they tell us that Domestic and Family Violence is a much bigger issue than we are led to believe in a non Covid -19 context.

We are also very concerned about women from CALD/Migrant communities who on top of the issues relating to joblessness and financial hardship, may have language barrier issues which prevent them from accessing essential services.

We would urge those women to come forward as they may not be aware that they can pursue their Permanent Residency independently of their abusive sponsors. We will also be able to advise them on the exact nature and types of evidence required in order to make a claim under the Family Violence Provisions under the Migration Act 1958 (Cth).

Our staff is multilingual and we are here to help.


Emerson Family Law/Emerson Migration Law will offer a free consultation to people looking to obtain information regarding Domestic and Family Violence and the protections that may be available to them, both from the family law context but also if there are implications for their visa status in Australia.

Please contact our office on 3211 4920 or via email at OR in order to make a time with our Director or one of our solicitors to speak with you in a confidential manner.